Thursday, 16 January 2020

Setting Foot on Your Marketing Goals with PPC

One of the advanced ways in marketing, of pulling the customers towards one’s business, is Pay-per-click (PPC). This is in contrast to the conventional ways of push marketing that mostly relied in advertising through print and electronic media. That method, however, forced the customers to see the ads without their consent. But now, PPC provides a reliable platform for the online marketers to make their products and services known to the world without much hassle or forced marketing. 

What is PPC?

PPC is a marketing technique which is paid by the marketers. It works by putting ads on host sites which link those ads towards your own site. Whenever someone clicks on your ad and gets redirected to your site, you pay the hosts a certain amount. In simple words, you are paying your host sites for putting up your ads and diverting traffic to your site.

In this regard, search engines work as reliable sources or platforms for such ads. It is because of the continuous organic traffic flow on them which increases the chances of PPC marketing. Google Ads and Bing Ads are the most sought after search engines by the marketers for PPC, due to their credibility and authenticity.

Things to Consider for a Successful PPC Campaign

PPC works with the auctions that are triggered when someone searches something on a search engine. The ads with the keywords related to the searched things then pop up. It is done by search engine results page (SERP), which decides which ad to place on what position or rank.

Here are some of the important factors that ensure a PPC campaign;


Without keywords, your ad cannot be searched by the search engines. Keywords play a big role in sifting out relevant and irrelevant ads for the user and make their search query easier. You need to incorporate appropriate keywords that are likely to be searched by the users.

Good Quality Ads

You need to prepare ads beforehand for your PPC campaign. These need to have a proper URL, Headline and Description.

Budgets and Bids

It is important to first decide how much you are willing to spend on your keywords. You should have a clear budget for your campaigns, and for bids at the keywords or ad group levels.

Surmounting Ad Ranks

Google has its own way of ranking ads. It considers factors such as Ad Relevance, Bid Amount, Search Context and Ad Format. It also considers Quality Score which is most essential to ranking of the ads. It includes Keyword Relevance, Click-through Rate (CTR) and Landing Page Quality. Without these elements, you ad may lose a chance to rank higher.


Conversions are vital to make any ad campaign successful. What’s the point of all the hard work if it doesn’t generate any conversions, i.e. traffic to your site? A few examples of conversions include purchasing a service, signing up for a newsletter or placing a phone call.
It is equally important to track your conversions regularly and maintain a record of how much your PPC campaign is being successful.

Why PPC Advertising?

PPC provides a safe and authentic platform for advertising on a large scale. Its results are reliable and measurable; it works well with the marketing channels, and ensures potential traffic and revenue.

Some of the prominent benefits of PPC are discussed below:

It Requires Minimal Efforts

PPC works as the fastest way of attracting potential customers than any other search engine optimization (SEO) practice. It requires a minimal amount of working team members and efforts for tracking and maintaining the records.

It Works Well with Your Business Goals

PPC provides you a business lead and helps in the expansion of your business. It is a reliable and easy to handle way of driving traffic towards your marketing goals. It promotes businesses through advertising content downloads, newsletter signups or contest entries.

It is Measurable and Traceable

PPC is easy to use and simple in tracking. It works with Google Ads Tools and Google Analytics. Every single activity of the users and the details of the traffic flow are available for tracking. Also, you get a clear and detailed record of every monetary transaction or budget overview.

It Offers Varied Targeting Options

PPC provides a proper way of targeting specific audience; whichever you want to. It targets keywords, past behaviors and demographics of a selected audience. It makes sure that your efforts are reaching the right audience. You can also reduce or expand your audience net and get desired results.

It Keeps You in Charge

PPC helps you stay in charge of your advertising campaign. Google Ads provide options from format setting to budget changing; you can customize all your ads. You can also pause or stop your ad at any time you want. It is easy to edit, maintain and track all your progress.

Concluding the discussion, we can safely say that PPC plays an important role in online marketing. It has the potential to bring a remarkable traffic flow to your business site without much effort. It has proven itself for being a profitable channel for acquiring safe and authentic traffic and conversions. Hence, PPC remains as the most sought after technique in online marketing.

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Setting Foot on Your Marketing Goals with PPC

One of the advanced ways in marketing, of pulling the customers towards one’s business, is Pay-per-click (PPC) . This is in contrast ...